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Sister Mattie Williams
     (813) 236 - 3611
   Every Wednesday

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April  2024


October11, 2023

One Call/Announcements 04-24-24

Our Father, thank You that you are always with us. Teach us to continually rely upon You in all matters of our lives, whatever we face, and wherever we go.


et us continue to keep all bereaved families as well as our sick and shut ins lifted. Let us lift Sis. Julia Brown and family.


Sunday Church School 9 until 9:45:

Men’s Class meet in the Dining Room,

Women’s Class meet in the Willis Education Assembly and

Children and Youth Classes meet in their assigned classrooms.


The lesson: “Jesus’ Mighty Power” coming from Matthew 14:22-38.


Members may use the rear or Ellicott Street entrance. A face covering is optional but you must do a temperature check and

sanitize your hands.


Services will continue to be broadcast  -, You tube, Facebook or Instagram.


Sunday Services

Pastor Adrian Reid will deliver the message.



Tuesday night Bible Study online or in person.


May 12th - Mother’s Day.


May 25th – Lady E’s baby shower.


May 27 - Memorial Day - Church Office closed.


Youth Ministry 

The Youth Ministry will be attending the National Youth Convention in June. One project of the convention is the distribution of dental hygiene products. The ministry is asking for donations of these products by June 15th and a box will be in the foyer of the Sanctuary.  If there are items that need to be picked up, please contact Sis. Sandra Collins @ 813-503-1786.


Father, grant us the strength to embrace this new day with a heart filled with hope and gratitude. We ask that You continue to bless and keep us safe as we continue to support New Hope in the up building of Your kingdom.



Thank You Lord

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